
When Politricks Become a Menace, the Tourism Industry Suffers Losses

Writer: martinemily033@gmail.com

In an era where the world is more connected than ever, the travel and tourism industry play a vital role in the global economy. From the bustling streets of Bangkok to the serene beaches of the Maldives, tourism not only fuels local economies but also promotes cultural exchange and understanding.

However, this thriving industry can be severely disrupted when “politricks” – a blend of politics and trickery – become a menace.


Politricks have a severe effect on tourism…


Politricks refers to the murky, often manipulative side of politics where deceit, corruption, and power struggles dominate the landscape. When political leaders and factions prioritise their agendas over the country’s welfare, the ripple effects can be devastating, particularly for tourism.

One glaring example is the recent unrest in Sri Lanka. Once a gem in the Indian Ocean, attracting millions of tourists with its lush landscapes, ancient temples, and vibrant culture, Sri Lanka has seen its tourism numbers plummet due to political instability.

Protests, curfews, and a lack of safety deter tourists, who seek beauty, adventure, security, and peace of mind.

When politricks take over, the immediate impact on tourism is often a decline in visitor numbers.

However, the consequences are far-reaching as discussed below

  • Economic Downturn: Tourism is a significant revenue generator for many countries. A drop in tourists means a decrease in income for hotels, restaurants, tour operators, and local artisans. This leads to job losses, reduced income for families, and a broader economic downturn.


  • Reputation Damage: News of political instability spreads quickly. Countries that were once seen as safe and attractive can quickly gain a reputation for being dangerous or unwelcoming. Rebuilding this reputation can take years, if not decades.



  • Investment Hesitation: Investors are wary of putting money into regions with unstable political climates. This means less funding for infrastructure, development, and marketing, further hampering the tourism industry’s ability to recover.


Here are some countries whose tourism industry has been adversely affected by the menace of political instability:

Egypt: The Arab Spring, which began in 2010, brought significant political upheaval to Egypt. The country, known for its ancient pyramids and the Nile River, saw a dramatic decline in tourist arrivals.

The unrest, coupled with sporadic violence, made Egypt a no-go zone for many travellers. The tourism sector, which once contributed significantly to the economy, struggled to recover for years.

Greece: The financial crisis in Greece, exacerbated by political mismanagement and corruption, led to widespread protests and strikes. While the allure of the Greek islands remained, many tourists were deterred by the uncertainty and potential for disruption.

Venezuela: Once a thriving destination for eco-tourism, Venezuela’s political and economic crisis has rendered it almost entirely off-limits for international travellers. Hyperinflation, crime, and a lack of basic amenities make it a risky destination despite its natural beauty.

Kenya: In recent years, Kenya has faced significant political unrest, particularly during election periods. This East African nation, renowned for its wildlife safaris and stunning landscapes, has seen its tourism numbers decline during times of political turmoil.

The 2007-2008 post-election violence was particularly damaging, leading to a sharp drop in tourist arrivals and billions in lost revenue. The recent Gen-Z revolution has also impacted negatively on the tourism industry. Political instability has not only scared away tourists but also affected the overall perception of the country as a stable and safe destination.

The cyclical nature of unrest during elections continues to pose a threat to the tourism sector, undermining efforts to promote Kenya as a premier travel destination.

What should be done to curb the menace of political instability and its effects on tourism?

For the tourism industry to thrive, political stability is crucial. Here are some steps that can be taken to mitigate the impact of politricks:

  1. Diversify Tourism Offerings: By promoting less-visited regions within a country, tourism boards can spread the economic benefits and reduce the impact of instability in any one area.


  1. Engage in Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between the government and private sector can help build resilience. For instance, establishing crisis management protocols can ensure a rapid response to political unrest, minimizing disruptions.



  1. Promote Sustainable Tourism: Sustainable practices not only protect the environment and culture but also create a more stable foundation for tourism. Communities that benefit directly from tourism are more likely to support political stability.


  1. Transparent Governance: Reducing corruption and increasing transparency can help build trust both domestically and internationally. Governments that are accountable and fair are less likely to face the kind of unrest that deters tourists.


Take this home:

When politics overshadow genuine governance, the tourism industry is one of the first to suffer. The allure of travel lies in the promise of adventure, beauty, and cultural exchange, but safety and stability are non-negotiable.

As we move forward in this interconnected world, political leaders must recognize the profound impact of their actions on tourism and, by extension, on the broader economy and global community. Only then can we ensure that the magic of travel continues to flourish, untainted by the dark shadows of political trickery.

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