
7 Mind-Blowing Facts In A Cuppa Of Kenyan Coffee


Coffee lovers drink more coffee, type and read, and they can smell Kenyan Coffee from afar. Coffee enthusiasts can tell apart wet-processed coffee and dry-processed coffee: Kenyan Coffee is Wet processed, meaning it is thick, more acidic and has a fascinating aroma.

Coffee lovers are the brainiest in picking adventurers, they need not tell you they know better than to visit the slopes of Mount Kenya, where Kenyan Coffee is grown.

Everyone loves coffee, but few are specific about the kind of coffee that dances on their palates. They are choosey and particular with the very beans that make the grind in their cups. But before I get rumbling about coffee lovers, let us delve into the seven magical facts about Kenyan Coffee:


The most expensive coffee in the world comes from Kenya


Heard of the Poop Coffee? Come Travel Kenya Limited can organize a trip for you to come and drink the most delicious poop coffee in the world. The Japanese in Nairobi collect partially digested coffee beans from the droppings of wild civet cats, wash, dry and sell to buyers who roast and grind them.

A cup of ‘Lopi Luwak’ coffee goes for Ksh. 10,000! And a \kilogram of the beans is about Ksh. 300,000. Yes, it is the rarest coffee in the world and you can drink it at CJs in Kenya. Quite an adventure, right? What do you say to a steaming, costly, aromatic cup of poop coffee?


Kenyan Green Coffee Beans undergo the Wet Process


Do you know what this means?

  • Thinness in the mouth
  • A cleaner taste
  • High acid
  • And intoxicating aroma

Seasoned coffee drinkers know that wet processing involves the green beans being removed from their parchment just after harvest and processed immediately.


Kenya and Ethiopia produce the same beans


But Kenyan beans are way more famous. You see, the rich of the West drink Kenyan and Jamaican Coffee. Jamaican coffee is popularized by the Blue Mountains Tag, and Ethiopian coffee also known as Harar, is known for its closeness to Kenyan Coffee.

See, Kenyan Coffee is practically a brother’s keeper- (Ethiopian Coffee rides on Kenya’s Coffee Back). The Coffee branded Kenya, is the most expensive on the Western market…

And the Kenyan Coffee varietals are distinct.


Arabica beans make most of the coffee varieties in the world. I am talking about SL 28, SL 34, K 7, Ruiru 11 and Batian. If you know what I mean, K7 ked to the production of Ruiru 11 and Batian. No bean compares to the taste of Batian and Ruiru Beans. It is heavenly. Try it and your life will never be the same again.


Kenyan coffee brags of the SHG and SHB Status


This simply means the coffee beans grow in altitudes that are 1400 to 2000 meters above sea level. They are strictly hard beans and highly grown. This implies that they have more nutrients because of the time they take to mature.

This kind of coffee is the equivalent of the oldest fine whiskey. What do you say to a cup in a restaurant on the slopes of the mountain where the very coffee is grown? Come Travel Kenya Limited can arrange this for you.


Kenyan Coffee is Listed among the Five Best in the World!


Did you read that right? Yes, you did, top five in the entire world. You may want to add that the Kenya AA coffee has a rich body, high acid, intense flavours, delightful aroma and whispers in the black currant tones.

Those who tasted Kenyan coffee have testified of its uniqueness, depth and accelerating effect afterwards. And finally, …


Come Travel Kenya Limited can take you to a Coffee tasting Spree


In the most exotic coffee joints in Kenya. We are talking about the Nairobi City Coffee joints tour and the Countryside Coffee tasting spree. It is an adventure for all your senses, with a special intensity on taste and sight.

Kenya is a beautiful country, and a cup of Kenyan Coffee is the cherry on the cake.  Coming up is the Kenyan famous coffee recipe – Kahawa Tungu. Keep reading.

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