the travel therapy

Have You Tried Therapy Tourism?



Kenya is a unique country. You will realize this when the plane touches down and you breathe in Kenya’s fresh air. Travelling is a therapy wrapped in the beauty of rest from the norm. Taking time off to visit a new place works magic on physical and mental health.

Tourism is well known for both physical health improvement and mental health wellness.  Researchers and innovators have linked wellness to changes in the environment.

People have confessed to experiencing total healing from conditions that had been previously declared a lifestyle for taking a trip to a different country.

Kenya is one of those destinations that will cure your soul, body, and mind. Here is why:


Kenya has the best Medical Care in Africa.

medical care

Kenya’s efforts towards health system establishment and significant progress towards Universal Health Coverage have placed the country on the charts as one of the best medical tourism destinations in Africa.

This was made universal in 2023. Kenya brags of Internationally qualified hospitals such as Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral and Research Hospital, Aga Khan Hospital, the Nairobi Hospital and AMREF Flying Doctors.

There is also an array of specialized Centers of Excellence for instance the KUTRRH cyclone machine for cancer management and the AKUH coronary Centre of Excellence.


Kenya’s climate is friendly


I know people who have chosen to relocate to Kenya permanently because of the conducive climate. Kenya has a tropical climate generally. However, there are parts of Kenya that are warm throughout the year and the coast is one of those.

Lamu hosts tourists for months and one can rent a Swahili Town House to relax in for months, get healed in the sun and reset your mind back to better standards.

It rains sometimes and it can get chilly, especially in the highlands.  The lowlands are warm even during the rainy season. The sun heals many conditions, Come Travel Kenya Limited is giving you a chance to get better the natural way.


Kenya’s hospitality is a therapy


The people working in the tourism and hospitality sector in Kenya have been trained and tailored to be hospitable. Kenya produces the best hospitality staff in Africa and most countries try to partner with Kenya to train their own.

This is from the Kenyan nature of politeness and intercommunal integration. You will be surprised how hospitality makes you feel well. When people treat you nicely, your brain releases chemicals in your body that make you feel better.


Kenya has many private and intimate conservancies for therapy


Ol Pejeta is one of those conservancies that cuts you a huge slice of serenity. Booking a stay in a small, intimate park, will give you a chance to enjoy solitude and do self-healing.

Here you will interact with nature, bond with animals and enjoy beautiful landscapes. Some allow you to go for nature walks, hiking and picnics.


Nature trails and walks in the various arboretums


The Nairobi Arboretum is one of these places. Silence and nature are some of the oldest, tried and proven ways of natural healing. The world is quickly advancing and there are lots of modern therapies that can help with healing of the mind and the body.

However, nothing has beat the healing that comes with a walk in a pack, watching the water flow down a waterfall, and watching the birds in the morning sun. The hum of the flowing river and melodious singing of the birds, and the scent of blooming flowers were what the monks lived on.

We all know they live very long.


Kenya is home to Natural organic food


We are a product of what we eat. The culinary world has gone organic. Organic food regulates metabolism and makes our bodies healthier. Come try the termites, traditional vegetables grown in organic gardens, and fruits grown naturally.

Kenyan food is also tasty and highly nutritious. Sometimes all you need is a change in diet, to get well.


Beautiful views and landscapes act as the best painkiller


Research has shown that people who are surrounded by beautiful sights and sceneries rarely get sick.


Water heals the soul


Listening to the flow of water down a river, the hum of a waterfall or sitting in front of a huge water body serves as a mental soother. Kenya is bestowed with many lakes and the Indian Ocean. Water activities like surfing, boating, skiing, and water sports are fun.


New interests, like cultural immersion will take your mind off the pain…


Come immerse yourself in the variety of cultures in Kenya and you will see your life get meaning. In Kenya, you get a chance to interact with people, carry out acts of charity, learn about cultures, study the history of various places and go on archaeological expeditions.

All this will take your mind off the pain and mind fatigue that you may be experiencing. Engaging in fun and enriching activities makes you a healthier person.

The sun and fresh air could be all you need to get better. Don’t give up getting better, instead book the next flight to Kenya and see how that plays out. Happiness is the best medicine.

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