
Editorials of our staff members traveling through the world, share your experience and be part of our news portal. Places which our agency focuses more on, these are our main destinations.
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  • Do You Have Your Mother’s Day Planned Already?

    Mothers are special therefore we should make them feel special. Mother’s Day is set aside to make moms feel appreciated. The smallest of gestures can go a long way in making a mom feel loved. For some, the best plan is as simple as quality time spent together. In case your mom is not around,…

  • Girraffe

    Are You A Lone Ranger When Traveling?

    Here Are A Few Intimate Safari Parks And Places You Definitely Want To Visit And Enjoy Solitude In Kenya.  People like traveling in groups. Some travel as friends, relatives, or close family. This is fun. However, there are moments that call for taking a break from the rest of the world. Have you had enough…

  • eid

    Eid Ul Fitr The Kenyan Way

      Salaam Aleikum! Welcome to the ‘Eid Ul Fitr Weekend. This is a special time when Muslims stop their fast with a celebration. So much food, drinks, and fun. Are you a fan of Swahili Cuisine? Are you curious about Swahili dishes? Are you the kind that loves to join religious celebrations? Are you planning…

  • easter holidays

    Are you planning a visit to Kenya during this Easter?

    Kenyans are known for being very religious, with the main religions being Christianity and Islam. However, despite the religious nature of the country, Kenya also allows for secularism. The constitution allows for freedom of worship, so individuals are not forced to belong to any particular religion or practice any specific form of worship. Easter was…

  • happy easter

    So, what to Do During Easter in Kenya? Here are some Easter Traditions You Can Participate In.

    Easter in Kenya is characterized by religious activities. The largest population engages in religious activities that involve going to church from Thursday, on the eve of Good Friday, all the way to Easter Monday. However, not everyone goes to church during this time. Kenya is largely secular, and there is a significant population that will…

  • travel sites

    How to Identify and Choose a Responsible Tour Operator

    Are you interested in responsible and sustainable tourism? Are you an environmental activist? Do you value the efforts that go into ensuring that wildlife and cultures are preserved for the purpose of passing them down to future generations? If your answers are yes, choosing a tour operator subscribing to your quest is very important. There…

  • responsible tourism

    9 ways In Which You Can Participate In Responsible And Sustainable Tourism In Kenya As A Tourist

    Taleb Rifai, the former Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization once said, “Tourism can and should be a force for good, for the people and for the planet. When managed responsibly, it can contribute to inclusive economic growth, social development, and preservation of cultural and natural heritage.” This is all there is…

  • sustainable tourism

    Are You Interested In Responsible And Sustainable Tourism? – Here Are Reasons Why You Should Be.

    What exactly is Responsible and Sustainable tourism? This is the kind of tourism that puts into consideration the environmental, social, and economic impression of touring. This entails traveling in a way that conserves the environment, respects the cultures of hosts, and benefits the communities that are being visited. This involves active decisions towards minimizing negative…

  • kenyan culture

    Kenyan Cultural Practices You Should Keep in Mind When Visiting.

    Kenya is a country of cultural diversity. It is not just about the over forty-four tribes but also the over seventy-three different languages and cultural practices.  In addition to the tribal cultures, we are tolerant and easy to adopt bits and pieces from other parts of Africa and the rest of the world. Here are…

  • tradition

    Are You Curious About Kenya’s Traditional Practices? – 8 Traditional Practices That Still Hold Water In Kenya.

    Life in Kenya is governed by a set of cultures and traditions. These traditions vary from one tribe to another but they connect at some point and are similar across tribes. The traditions inform the life of an individual from the time one is born all the way to when one dies. Here are some…