
Top 8 Sights: Best Places To Visit In Kenya


“Travel is more than seeing sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” (Miriam Beard)

Kenya is a beautiful country. It is scenic with a coastline along the Indian Ocean, layered with a savannah topography, Lakelands, a theatrical Great Rift Valley, Mountains, Highlands and a countryside pulled right from a romantic novel.

The best sights in the world are those that knock the wind out of your lungs. Such top sights include:

  • A variety of wildlife
  • Beautiful Landscapes
  • Lakesides
  • Challenging snowy mountains to climb
  • Starry nights
  • Vast and Deep Cultural displays
  • A fine weather
  • Great flora
  • Birds and Butterflies

Beauty is in the small things like butterflies perching on exotic flowers and wanderlust is like starvation. It starts with a growl of interest, and if left unattended, it turns into an all-consuming force that will drive you wild until you satisfy it.

Kenya is a destination for all who lust for adventure, wild experiences and being immersed in unique cultures. If you have a curious palate, Kenyan cuisine will drive your palate wild.

Let us go through the top 10 wonder sights for quenching your wanderlust:

  1. Nairobi City

Nairobi will give you the best African City experience that you will ever find in another African country. Nairobi is a pack of flakes, pieces and slices of various world cities blended in one. You will experience everything in Nairobi City including:

  • A robust city cultures
  • Integrated tribal experiences
  • A great nightlife with luxurious bars and clubs
  • Casinos
  • Luxurious hotels
  • Curio shops
  • Art galleries and museums
  • Bowling joints
  • Street food
  • Forests
  • Horse racing and…


  1. A National Game Park close to the CBD.

The Nairobi National Park is a slice of jungle in the city. It is home to all the Big Five. I have never forgotten the majesty of the rhinos and buffaloes in the park. The game drives are epic and you can go further into the game reserves for a more private experience.

  1. The Giraffe Manor

Imagine sipping a cup of coffee and snuggling against the long neck of a real giraffe. The giraffe manor is a haven of class in the wild. The giraffes are friendly and loving.

  1. Ngong Hills


If you love camping and barbecuing, then Ngong Hills is the place for you. You will have the perfect view of Nairobi City Camping on the Hills.

Nairobi has the best golf courses, go-karting joints and art galleries. If you are looking for class coupled with adventure, then Nairobi City will be your number one amazing sight.


  1. The Maasai Mara

Grevy zebra

The Wildebeest migration is coming up soon. Do you know why it is classified under the Wonder of the World? Come find out. Alongside this, you will enjoy:

  • Hot air balloon safari
  • Horseback safari
  • Mad game drives – day and night.
  • Exotic lodges
  • Camping nights
  • Barbecue and the
  • Maasai cultural experience. Have you seen how high a Moran can jump? It is a sight to behold.


  1. Amboseli National Park

ole pejeta

Here you will see the top of Kilimanjaro from Kenya. This is an exquisite park. The elephants here have a unique beauty and the lions have a laid-back grace that will leave you staring for hours. The landscapes in Amboseli are inspirational. Come Travel Kenya Limited is offering you a chance to quench your wanderlust in the most picturesque place.


  1. Lakesides


Lakes Nakuru, Naivasha and Elementita are waiting for you to explore. The expansive water, flamingoes in their beautiful pink feathers, and the sunsets dancing on the waves are sights to behold. By the Lakes, there are classy hotels, luxury and amazing hospitality. To find the inspiration you must camp by a Kenyan lake, especially these three. If you love burning tyres, then you can go deeper in the Great Rift Valley to Lake Bogoria or further, Lake Turkana. If you are looking for warmth, your next flight should be to…


  1. Kisumu City



Lake Victoria is the highlight of Kisumu City. Kisumu, just like Nairobi is loaded with class and luxury. You can have a whole island for yourself and friends, cross over to Uganda or Tanzania or chill on Kiboko Bay. You will be awakened by the moan of hippos.

In Kisumu, you can extend your tour to the rest of Western Kenya. Have you seen bellowing bulls snorting in anger, with their nostrils smoking? Have you tasted roasted termites yet? Have you gotten lost in the forest with an experience that will put Tarzan to shame? Come watch birds and butterflies in their hundreds of species, monkeys of all kinds and fauna.


  1. Mombasa Kenya

the coast

This should have been the second-best destination. The Kenyan Coast is vast. You can always go for the serene old-school Lamu, the classy Malindi or the vibrant Mombasa city. I am talking beaches, Islands, marine adventure, snorkelling, boat riding and horse-riding on the beach.  The Kenyan Coast is not to be written about. You must rent a Swahili house and stay here for a while.


  1. Samburu

maasai mara

I love Samburu for the drives. Going to Samburu is equivalent to driving on an endless road, with magical landscapes. The Samburu people are so hospitable and still soaked in their culture. Come hike on the sacred hills of Samburu and go home a transformed person.


  1. Mount Kenya

mt kilimambogo

If Everest is too high and extremely cold for you, try Mount. Kenya. The Glacier Lakes on Mount Kenya are so beautiful, you won’t be able to blink. Camping on Mt. Kenya is another level of experience.


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